Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I would.

Alguma coisa acontece no meu coração.
Still the same girl, you know.
The same girl you used to know. Feels like forever. I still feel it, although I don´t want to.
I´ve just stopped trying, you know.
I´ve learned how to deal. I´ve given up the fight.
Sometimes you just need to pick your battles.
Accept defeat.
And let go.

4 sang along.:

Anonymous said...

Something is different.
Did you change your haircut? The makeup, maybe? Um... Oh, the hairdress, of course!! :D

Oh no, wait... You changed the template! :P
But the older one was lighter, clearer, a bit more comfortable to read... :)

Well anyway... I know you're in love, but I miss chattin' with ya anyway! :P
When will you show up again? :D

Neon said...

Oh dude, I´m sick.
So so sick. Been in bed all day. Going to work because I absolutely have to.
I´ll show up, don´t worry, aaight? :D

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie, take care of yourself...
Wish I could do something to help. :\

Anyway, get better soon! ;)


Vivs Takahashi said...

And don't forget the "Fuck it" button